Monday, February 14, 2011

many times when you need a friend..,,..but few of them are true and trusted but many of them NOT..,,..
i will tell all of the characteristics and their "KABUANG",when it comes from "FUN"
it sounds boring but that moments was very unforgettable ang fun as much as i enjoyed occompanied them..,,..
sometimes there's drama, suspense, fighting..,,..
but all of that was nothing when we are together
all of the craziest, stupid things, anything that sounds ridiculous thing that you ever heard

..,,there is a stupid sayings that i believed long time ago when i was young..,,..
i always remembered that until now that "do whatever you want as long as we're happy and still young"..,,..
i know it sounds cliche but i always remeber that until my beauty fadessss..,,..,,

"TATI" is the craziest friend i ever had..,,..
you want to know why????....
b'coz he is the fattiest and the funniest man in our friend
he love guys..,,..alwaysssss
i have nothing to say.....

"shenieve" is the oldest friend that i have i think she is now above 30's but dont underestimate the beauty of old girls..,,..i would say she is so hat and she is the one who had a lot of boys among us when we parted every where she is the one that guys longing to have and danced together..,,..isnt it amazing??????

"emme" the shy type among us girlsss..,,..ahemmmm..,,..she wont even entertain her date even her boyfriend but she is the beautiful among us girlss,..,,can you get rid of her!!???? i bit you not

"kefine" the star of the friends..,, skinny and fashionable in diffrent ways sometimes the weakest girls in the group b'coz so easy to inlove, and ended broken hearted girl..,, sad for her..,,..

most of our friends was gone they found their own world..,,..


Jordan Hill - Remember Me This Way